While the math and physics of coupled oscillators may be relevant to other aspects of physics, is it possible that it is relevant to some social phenomenon as well?

To help us see what's going on, imagine the metronomes are sitting on a pool of water. With each tic the device sends a small wave traveling in the opposite direction. In the beginning, the water's surface would appear chaotic as the metronomes are all out of sync. Over time some waves will start to cancel out others while some waves will reinforce (or amplify) others. The reinforced waves impart subtle resistance forces on the out-of-sync metronomes gradually stretching the swing in one direction and shortening it in the other until all the pendulums are in sync with the ever strengthening wave patterns beneath them. It is this interaction of forces between the metronomes and the movable surface on which they sit that is referred to above as "inter-metronome communication."

I suggest that all human communications and actions are similarly played out on a movable social fabric capable of transmitting social forces that resist or reinforce an individuals cognitive perceptions. We are all influence by hidden messages and perhaps precognitive social forces all around us. These forces nudge us in certain direction that eventually influence our attitudes and feelings, or out thinking regarding a social problem.

To illustrate, there is an old joke about a British mother watching a large military parade and upon seeing her son marching declared, "Look at that? Everyone is out of step but my Aire!"

Now imagine that Aire is highly regarded among his peers, so much so that they feel badly for him. Some of his friends might decide to provide cover for Aire by adopting his step. Other colleagues near by might see this a funny and join in while still others might become confused, thinking they are out of step. At some point Aire's stride and the impact on those around him could become self-reinforcing, particularly in his units formation. Soon others begin falling into step adjusting their stride thus strengthening the pattern until a "tipping point" is reach and the rest of  the marchers fall in step with Aire. Suddenly that British mother is proven correct!

This is only an analogy, but it is worth considering. I suspect that the physics behind coupled oscillators may point the way to actual solutions to certain unexplained social phenomenon that has perplexed social researchers for years.